Events > Wednesday Seminars

Wednesday Seminars

Coterminous with the Institute, is the weekly Wednesday Seminar, which has been held uninterruptedly for the last four decades. The topics span an enormous range and attract students, experts, practitioners and laypersons alike. These seminars provide an opportunity for interested people to have access to informed discussions on various aspects of China and are ample evidence that the sections within India, which are interested in knowing and learning about China are widening and enlarging.

13 Nov 2013
Communist Party of China's
Mr. M V Rappai, Honorary Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
30 Oct 2013
Mao's Military Thinking and its Relevance
Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh, Associate Fellow, Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA)
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
23 Oct 2013
Causes of Self-Immolations in Tibet and reactions of Chinese Netizens
Mr. Thubten Samphel, Executive Director, Tibet Policy Institute, Central Tibetan Administration
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
09 Oct 2013
River water Interests/disputes with India’s Neighbours as Potential Flash Points
Mr. Ajay Jamwal, MSc in Technical Weapon Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and MSc, Defence and Strategic Studies, Madras University
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
25 Sep 2013
Beyond Chinatowns: Neighbourhood, Space and Identity for the Calcutta Chinese
Dr. Jayani Bonnerjee, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
18 Sep 2013
Chinese perceptions on Mahatma Gandhi: A brief historical review
Dr. Huang Yinghong, Assistant Professor, School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
11 Sep 2013
Xi Jinping’s China Dream and the Road Ahead
Dr. Makhan Saikia, ex-Faculty of Symbiosis International University, Pune
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
21 Aug 2013
Why and How We Count: Statistical Struggles in the Early PRC, 1949-1954
Mr. Arunabh Ghosh, Ph.D candidate in modern Chinese history at Columbia University
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
14 Aug 2013
The Evolving East Asian System and Korea: A Reality Check
Dr. Young Chul Cho, Associate Professor, Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
07 Aug 2013
A Dynamic Model of the Sino-Tibetan Negotiation Process
Ms. Tshering Chonzom, Ph.D Chinese Studies, Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Venue: ICS Seminar Room

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