ICS Advisory Board's Roles and responsibilities
Annexure 2
The ICS Advisory Board is designed to
- increase ICS visibility nationally and internationally
- provide policy-oriented inputs to the ICS, new directions and ideas
- connect and network ICS into sources of funding and projects
- provide an overview of global trends which could further the ICS mission
- collectively draw from and integrate views across government, industry, academia and civil society
The ICS Advisory Board members
- will comprise of distinguished individuals of eminence and leaders in a particular field with cross-sectoral influence and national/international reach
- will be invited to join by Chairman of the Advisory Board, in consultation with the Chairperson of the ICS
- will be drawn from both Indians and non-Indians (if need be)
- need not necessarily comprise only those with China experience/knowledge
- will not involve themselves in the actual running of the ICS
- will only make recommendations not decisions, but whose role will be to increase the visibility and credibility of ICS in the wider arena
- will comprise of at least 6 individuals in addition to the Chairman. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the ICS Governing Council, the ICS Director, and the Convenor of the Advisory Board will attend as ex-officio members.
- will not receive an honorarium or emoluments of any sort
- will meet--at a minimum--once a year.
The Chairperson of the ICS Advisory Board
- will be an eminent Indian personality who is highly respected in global and national circles for his/her achievements and values
- will have had deep experience of China