China Report

China Report Vol. 60 (3)


  • Fostering Tourism Through Regional Culture in the Russian-Chinese Borderland: A Case Study of Zabaykalsky Krai and Northeast China
    Valentina Sergeevna Morozova and Dorzhi Dondokovich Dondokov
  • Navigating the Technological Tug-of-war: European Think Tanks’ Perspectives on the China-US Tech Competition
    Qin Lin
  • Impact of Belt and Road Initiative on Global Trade and Economic Growth Amid China’s Slowing Growth
    Kyuyeon Hwang and Joohyeong Lee
  • Transformation of China’s Interests in the Arctic and Potential Areas for Cooperation with Russia in the Context of International Political Turbulence
    Irina Strelnikova and Olga Aleksandrovna Kharina
  • Evolution and Transformation of Security Patterns in Central Asia in the Context of Chinese Institutional Building
    Alibek Yermekov, Srikanth Kondapalli, and Leila Delovarova
  • Development of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and China in the Condition of New Geopolitical Threats and Challenges
    Vahe S. Davtyan, Aidar M. Tufetulov, Dmitry V. Rodnyansky, Ilnur A. Khairullin Ainur R. Margamov, and Yulia S. Valeeva

An Introductory Note for the Articles

  • The article by Valentina Sergeevna Morozova and Dorzhi Dondokovich Dondokov focuses on the cultural and civilisational potential of Russian eastern borders and China border regions. The issues raised in this article seem to be topical in the context of two circumstances: first, tourist contacts have undergone significant transformations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and second, the aggravating situation with the emergence of barriers to entry into the European tourism space makes China one of the most attractive regions for tourism development. The concept of ‘border’ appears as a unique sociocultural space where regional culture functioning is mediated by the influence of three cultural dimensions (national, local and foreign). In the era of digitalisation, online platforms act as a modern space for the concentration and accumulation of tourist content. Updating the work on online platforms can become one of the ways of solving the identified problems in the border tourism sector. The article gives a possible solution to the above issues based on the original model of ‘regional cultures dialogueness in the borderland’, its integration into the concept of tourism development in the border areas. The authors suggest recommendations on the vector of modern state policy regarding the development of tourism initiatives in the Russian–Chinese border area.
  • The China-US Tech Competition has become a focal point of current international research. In the context of this technological competition, Europe faces the challenge of determining its positioning. As a significant force influencing European policy direction, the perspectives of European think tanks on the China-US technology competition deserve considerable attention from the academic and policy communities. This study by Qin Lin examines research findings from eight prominent European think tanks as the sample and employs literature analysis approach to interpret the origins, impacts and prospects of the China–US technology competition from the viewpoint of European think tanks. Additionally, the study assesses Europe’s policy orientation within this technological rivalry. The research indicates that European think tanks are dedicated to providing comprehensive and objective information and recommendations to European decision-makers. Overall, European think tanks adopt a relatively neutral stance on the China–US technology competition, which may reflect certain resistance to the United States’ efforts to create a technological coalition against China by courting Europe. Looking ahead, it is crucial to further investigate the perspectives of European think tanks on the China–US technology competition in order to promote a clearer positioning of Europe’s role and responsibilities within this intense competition. Additionally, conducting research from a third-party perspective will help us gain a comprehensive understanding of the global impact of the China–US technology competition and Europe’s position and role in this context.
  • Since the inception of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s trade relations with participating nations have experienced substantial growth. This study by Kyuyeon Hwang and Joohyeong Lee utilises data from the World Trade Organization (WTO) covering the years 2003 to 2021 to explore the dynamics of China’s foreign trade and assess the impact of the BRI on trade interactions with China. One of the central objectives of our research is to determine whether participation in the BRI has significantly contributed to trade growth with China, thereby strengthening economic ties and fostering bilateral cooperation. Another important objective is to analyse the changes in the BRI’s role in driving global economic growth amid China’s slowing growth. Through empirical analysis using data from over 180 countries, we evaluate the heterogeneous effects of the BRI across different continents. Our findings indicate that the BRI has had the most pronounced trade-stimulating impact on the continents of America, Europe and Africa, while trade volumes with Asian countries have seen only marginal increases. The relatively smaller trade growth in Asian countries can be attributed to the already high volume of trade activities due to their geographical proximity to China, which diminishes the marginal impact of the BRI. Additionally, the significant infrastructure investments under the BRI have been predominantly directed towards Africa and Europe, further explaining the smaller trade-enhancing effects observed in Asia compared to other continents. Furthermore, we identified the spillover effects of the BRI on non-participating countries. Moreover, significant differences in the BRI’s impact on global economic growth were observed before and after China’s economic slowdown. This article offers actionable policy recommendations to inform future decisions based on these findings.
  • This article by Irina Strelnikova and Olga Aleksandrovna Kharina examines China’s evolving role in the Arctic and the potential for Sino–Russian cooperation in the region. Recently, China has been increasingly assertive in its Arctic ambitions, engaging in partnerships and projects with various Arctic nations, including Russia. By identifying the main elements of China’s Arctic strategy—its priorities, goals and approaches—this study aims to shed light on how China seeks to expand its influence in this geopolitically significant area. Additionally, the article explores current trends in Sino–Russian relations, especially in light of the geopolitical changes and tensions that have arisen in the past two years. With a focus on sustainable development, it assesses how China and Russia might align their interests and collaborate in the Arctic. The research highlights the potential synergies between these two major international players, investigating how they could navigate shared interests, manage risks, and promote stability in the region amidst complex global challenges. By analyzing these dynamics, the article seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the strategic interplay between China and Russia in the Arctic.
  • The regional security system in Central Asia is complex. The geopolitical conflict between Russia and the West around Ukraine has had a serious strategic shift in the balance of power and, as a consequence, changes in the architecture of the regional security system. Strategically, this means that Central Asia, as part of the wider post-Soviet space, is undergoing a transition from a Euro-centric to an Asia-centric model with the increasing role of China. Alibek Yermekov, Srikanth Kondapalli, and Leila Delovarova, argues Russia and China, as two leading geopolitical actors, have their own security patterns, and at the moment, these security patterns are evolving, in the context of the formation of new regional security mechanisms with the strengthening of the role of China as a leading regional power and security provider.
  • The purpose of the study by Vahe S. Davtyan, Aidar M. Tufetulov, Dmitry V. Rodnyansky, Ilnur A. Khairullin, Ainur R. Margamov, and Yulia S. Valeeva is to analyse the state and directions of development of foreign economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in conditions of growing macroeconomic instability. During the study, the following tasks were set and solved: the prerequisites for the formation and content of the global foreign economic initiative ‘One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR) were analysed (Belt and Road Initiative [BRI]), as well as Russia’s participation in the implementation of transnational infrastructure projects; the advantages and risks of implementing the strategic initiative ‘BRI’ for the state of the economy of Russia and China have been identified; an analysis of the dynamics of indicators of trade and economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China was carried out; the main directions of development of Russian–Chinese foreign economic relations have been identified. It was determined that the sanctions restrictions imposed on Russia by a number of unfriendly states confirmed the validity of the decision on the need to expand foreign economic contacts with China. Dynamics of indicators of trade, economic and investment cooperation between Russia and China in the period from 2013 to 2023 indicates the steady growth of its indicators and the mutually beneficial nature of interstate relations. The analysis showed that the prospects for trade and economic cooperation between Russia and China within the framework of the strategic initiative ‘OBOR’ are determined by the projected sustainable growth rates of macroeconomic indicators of the participating countries, as well as the effectiveness of foreign economic policy instruments.



  • Manoj Joshi, (Ed.), India–China Border: The Enduring Threat of War in the Himalayas, India: Harper Collins, 2022.
    B.R. Deepak
  • Yan Wang, Pension Policy and Governmentality in China: Manufacturing Public Compliance, London: LSE Press, 2022.
    Priyanka Pandit
  • Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Civilization-States of China and India—Reshaping the World Order, India: Bloomsbury Academic India, 2024.
    Raviprasad Narayanan
  • Scott A. Snyder and Kyung-Ae Park, (Eds.), North Korea’s Foreign Policy: The Kim Jong-Un Regime in a Hostile World, New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023.
    Sandip Kumar Mishra

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