Events > Wednesday Seminars
The 21st century ‘Maritime Silk Road ’(MSR) was proposed by President Xi Jinping during his visit to Indonesia in October 2013. In 2014, this idea began to take shape with focus on infrastructure and connectivity, gradually turning into concrete projects. MSR and Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) are now considered as two pillars of ‘One Belt and One Road’ (OBOR) project. The presentation aims to explore future of MSR, China’s main strategic targets and role of the PLA-Navy. In view of India’s changing posture in maritime policy, there is a possibility of emerging maritime hedging between the two countries and overlapping maritime ‘security boundary’ due to China’s MSR and India’s ‘Act East’ in the coming decades. In this context there is no better option than bilateral Maritime Dialogue to minimize divergences and maximize common interests in MSR.
About the Speaker
Ouyang Guoxing is an Associate Researcher at Hainan Institute for World Watch (HIWW), Haikou. He has done his Masters from Institute of South Asian Studies of Sichuan University, China. His current area of interest is Sino-Indian economic and diplomatic relations. He is presently a visiting Research Associate at ICS.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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