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Are Chinese People Not Humans?

It is not only hypocritical but reflects on the ugly face of the West for demanding high standards for the others but very low requirements for themselves. On 6 May, a US company called Rhodium Group released a new “survey report” on carbon emissions.

Bukharin Inspired Deng Xiaoping to Change China

: Nikolai Bukharin (1888 – 1938) unjustly died in prison, Deng Xiaoping too eventually passed away. Bukharin did not succeed in bringing about reforms in the Soviet Union, but he did influence Deng enough to “rescue” China.

Imagine China, If Mao was Gandhi

Someone once asked: “If Gandhi, and not Mao Zedong, was born in China, what would it be like?” In fact, the answer is simple – look at India today! That is, the lower class lacks the spirit of resistance, so they have all along remained oppressed, forming a strong class division in society, and resulting in extremely low degree of class mobility

Is there a Good China Hand in Biden Team?

As Joe Biden prepares to assume office, questions are being asked: Does Biden have China experts around him? Who is a ‘true’ China expert?

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