ICS Translations

普京访华后,未来的中美关系将会走向何方? Zhang Zhikun: Putin Visits China. Whither China-US Relations?

President Valdimir Putin of Russia recently concluded a two-day state visit to the People’s Republic of China, from 16-17 May 2024.In a rare show of affection,the Chinese leader Xi Jinping hugged the visiting Russian leader – this was the 43rd meeting between the two “dear friends” in 12 years. In the West, this growing Xi-Putin camaraderie is now being feared as a serious threat. On the other hand, most Chinese welcome Beijing-Moscow embracing each other as an effective “soft counter-balance” against the US-led suppression of China and Russia. This further explains the reason for an averageof 4-5 op-ed commentaries daily in the Chinese media on the dangers of the US target to contain China, and Washington’s “Obama-Trump-Biden” Cold War  mentality of treating China as a “strategic competitor”. This translation of the Chinese commentary by Zhang Zhikun, a leading and influential member of China’s leftist intelligentsia, is only one among
numerous such writings.


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