Is China’s reform era over? Observers stand divided about President Xi Jinping’s tenure (2012-). For China, 2020 is critical, as China approaches its first centenary goal in 2021.
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Is China’s reform era over? Observers stand divided about President Xi Jinping’s tenure (2012-). For China, 2020 is critical, as China approaches its first centenary goal in 2021.
This article focuses on the Bhutanese case to bring out the role played by the smaller Himalayan states in this power struggle. In this article, an attempt has been made to present the Bhutanese factor in the Britain-China power struggle in the period before the 1914 conference at Shimla.
The discourse on the diversion of Brahmaputra often becomes hostage to linear thinking. This commentary highlights the dialectical thinking which plays a significant role in shaping Chinese strategic thought.
The word 'Leftover', has the connotation of something that was leftover with no takers, like the leftover food, as if the good part was already taken and whats remaining is not so good.
There is a disruption in the distribution of power in the world today. The world as a whole is multipolar economically, unipolar militarily if tending away from that, and politically confused. But while the US is still the only power capable of projecting force around the world and the world is unipolar militarily, the situation in Asia is evolving rapidly.
The history of riparian relations in South Asia can be termed as essentially bilateral in nature, but we can notice a change in the contours of riparian negotiations after the end of the Cold War.
Prior to the adoption of the Foreign Investment Law 中华人民共和国外商投资法 (FIL) by the 13th National People's Congress on March 15, 2019, China had three diffferent laws regulating inward foreign investments. This first, brief note in a series of articles related to the new FIL, will layout the historical background of these three legal regimes that have governed foreign-invested enterprises since China's opening up to foreign investment in 1979.
China has been experimenting with a 'social credit' system which would be rolled out fully by 2020.
The recent developments of Chinese start-ups and technology companies have become possible because of the unique character of Chinese society and largely because of the innovative approach of the Chinese companies.
China has been criticised about its nuclear modernisation a great deal in recent years. With the landmark New START's future looking increasingly dubious, this paper examines the possibility of a multilateral arms limitation treaty involving China in the future.
The idea, purpose, concept and the agenda of the BRI mutates and takes on many forms depending on who is describing it. Opaque structures, institutions shrouded in secrecy and questionable data sets are familiar challenges while studying China’s layers. This lack of clarity spills into literature and conversations surrounding the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as well.
The first half of the 20th century unleashed a trend that saw Bengali personalities venturing beyond their enclosed boundary spaces. It all began with Vivekananda’s travels to East and South-East Asia on his way to the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1893 as a Hindu representative from India.1 This trend continued with Tagore’s several consecutive travels to Europe and East and South East Asia
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