ICS Analysis

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Epidemics and their Urban Context: COVID-19 and Lessons from Wuhan

The impact of COVID-19 has been unprecedented across the world and urban cities have faced it in full force and are among the worst affected. It began in the city of Wuhan in China and spread to other cities within and outside China. In India too, most metropolitan cities especially Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad have..

Tracing the Informal: Analyzing Labour Legislation in China

This article analyzes the various institutional and legislative changes that occurred during the economic reforms to explain the rise of informality in China. It examines the enactment of the 1994 Labour Law and the 2008 Labour Contract Law to determine the legislative underpinnings behind the emergence of informal labour in China and shows how state played an important role in the creation of the informal sector in China.

China’s Post COVID-19 Path to Normalcy: Parallels for India

The impact of Covid-19 on each country’s economy is a complex function of numerous factors. Relevant factors include extent of disruption caused by lockdown, financial health of enterprises and pattern of industrialisation. The response of each national government is a function of its financial strength, type of political

China’s Capabilities in Disruptive Technologies and its Implications

In the past few years, China has been making significant progress in modern technologies such as hypersonic weapons, targeted energy weapons, electromagnetic rail guns, counter-space weapons, quantum technology, block chain technology and unmanned and artificial intelligence equipped weapons.

Asia’s Geopolitical Challenges and Future Order: China Factor

First, after the Global Financial Crisis (2007-08), there was a relative decline in US power and China made the most out of a “period of strategic opportunity” by occupying the strategic space left vacant by a United States preoccupied with the domestic economic crisis and the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

China’s Foray into the South Pacific: The Next Frontier?

The South Pacific islands are now an integral part of the wider Indo Pacific construct. The region is now also firmly a part of China’s maritime thinking, and expansion as a part of its “island chain” strategy.

Europe’s New Role in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific has emerged as the new geo-strategic and geo-economic theatre of the 21 st century. The concept emerged as an alternative regional order of the Quad grouping vis-à-vis China’s Belt and Road Initiative(BRI). At first sight, Europe seems to be largely absent from the Indo-Pacific except for France..

Xi Jinping and Chinese Power

In recent years Australia-India relations has been popularised by Australian politicians as one sharing the three common interests of cricket, curry and commonwealth or the 3Cs. In reality, the three most common interests shared by Australia and India would be cricket, curry and China.

Informal Meetings in Foreign Policy

This article questions the efficacy of Wuhan and Chennai Summits by analyzing it against the background of two such informal interactions – the Kissinger-Zhou meeting in 1971 and series of North Korea-South Korea informal meetings in 2018-19. Naturally, the circumstances, actors, intentions and mood were all unique

China & the Global Governance of the Refugee Crisis

This paper attempts to evaluate China’s engagement in the legal and institutional framework of the Refugee Protection Regime. In general, the paper will be looking into the ongoing debate regarding China’s role in global governance institutions. In particular, the paper will evaluate China’s accession to the international refugee protection protocols and conventions and its engagement with UNHCR.

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