Xi Jinping’s political report to the Party Congress

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Xi Jinping’s political report to the Party Congress

Day I. Updates

Xi Jinping’s political report to the Party Congress took the usual tone in explaining the achievements of the party under his leadership in the last five years. He also candidly tried to stress also on the challenges for the party state in the coming future. In fact the report is the comprehensive summary of the last five years and the glance of the future of China.


Acknowledging the role and contributions of Marxism in Chinese polity and as a party guiding ideology along with Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, Theory of Three Represents and Scientific Outlook on Development, Xi Jinping stressed that socialism can only save China to achieve its ideals, and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a New Era  "新时代中国特色社会主义思想". That is 'strong' and 'capable' which defines the Chinese state today. Similarly, in his speech, there were more references to ‘Four confidences’ and Four Comprehensives’. It is likely these will be canonized in the party constitution as a part of Xi Jinping Thought if it may be.

Secondly, the aspiration and goal of China to become a moderately prosperous society by 2020-2035, and developed socialist nation in 15 years from 2035 . This  has to be based on 'balanced development' which is inclusive of both material and cultural needs. Public goods such as rule of law, clean governance, justice and fairness, security is to be guaranteed by the state, thus creating a ‘modern socialist country’.

China’s aim now should have high-quality development, and make Chinese enterprises globally competitive and sustainable. This should harness and develop state of the art technology, and stress on innovation. But at the same time environment and climate protection programme will be undertaken. Xi also emphasized on the ‘harmonious existence of human and nature’. With Trump leaving the Paris Climate accord, Xi has got more elbow room to lead the nations on climate change.

Apart from export led growth, the report suggests on the state’s focus on increasing domestic consumption, or consumption led growth. Greater stress monetary and fiscal reforms will be envisaged. China will also encourage greater ease in market access to encourage foreign investments and protection of their interests. For this, the urgency of rule base law is necessitated, and rightly indicated that a small leading group on advancing law-based governance will set up soon.

Report also dealt on military mechanization. With IT application, the strategic capabilities of the military will greatly be enhanced. By 2035 military modernization of the armed forces and national defence will be completed, and by mid-century will become a world class military. However, China will not seek hegemony and be expansionist.

One of the most important aspect of the report was section on ‘party building’ and ‘anti-corruption.’ Party is all comprehensive, and  is a 'mover and shaker' of everything. Xi stressed that corruption as biggest ‘threat’ to the party, and the fight against corruption will never end. Read more…..

In the report, 14-point principles encapsulates Xi Jinping's agenda of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era ( 新时代中国特色社会主义思想). 

  1. Ensure Party leadership over all affairs;

  2. Commit to a people-centred approach;

  3. Contiinue to comprehensively deepen reform;

  4. Adopt a new vision for development;

  5. Ensure people run the country;

  6. Ensure every dimension of governance is law-based;

  7. Uphold core socialist values;

  8. Ensure & Improve living standards through development;

  9. Ensure harmony between human and nature;

  10. Pursue a holistic approach to national security;

  11. Uphold absolute Party leadership over the people's forces;

  12. Uphold the principle of "one country, two systems" & promoting national reunification;

  13. Promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind;

  14. Exercise full & rigorous governance over the Party.

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