ICS Occasional Papers

White Paper: A Response to InternationalEfforts of ‘giving bad name’ (wuming hua)to the Vocational Education and Training Works in Xinjiang

The establishment of so-called vocational education and training camps in Xinjiang has been one of the major sources of human rights contention between the West and China in the recent years. For about three decades, China has been issuing White Papers (WPs) on human rights, Tibet, Xinjiang, ethnic and national minority issues, and religious believe to propagate its human rights vision and records. Interestingly, maximum numbers of WPs on Xinjiang were released between 2014 and 2019 and three of them were published this year. The latest one covers the issue of vocational education and training centres, the content of trainings and their implications in the program of de-radicalization in the conflict-ridden Xinjiang. It is argued in the paper that the purpose of publishing WPs on sensitive issues like Xinjiang is to construct and disseminate official interpretation which is mostly not consistent with the reality. The paper gives a brief outline of the WPs on the above issues, major assertions made in the WPs on Xinjiang, development of vocational training in the region. It also provides a critical analysis on the proliferation of vocational education and training camps in the region.


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