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Ravi Bhoothalingam
Four civilizational lessons for a productive dynamic
‘India and China have a complicated and convoluted relationship. Border disputes, incursions and other irritants have clouded their bilateral relations for over sixty years. ‘
India Seminar 1 Apr 2020
Shyam Saran
‘Covid aftermath will reinforce the trend towards a more interventionist State.‘
The Tribune 31 Mar 2020
Zorawar Daulet Singh
COVID-19 Should Make Us Re-imagine the World Order
‘As a bio-security crisis brings the world to a brink, the dominant neo-liberal vision of world order must be displaced by a humane globalism and institutions that actually supply public goods.‘
Economic and Political Weekly 28 Mar 2020
Shyam Saran
A revival of multilateralism, steered by India
‘A leadership role by India in mobilising world collaboration would be in keeping with its traditional activism globally ‘
The Hindu 25 Mar 2020
Hemant Adlakha
Fang Fang: The ‘Conscience of Wuhan’ Amid Coronavirus Quarantine
‘The party’s ill-governance of the deadly virus has given birth to a new critical voice: Fang Fang’s Wuhan Diary.‘
The Diplomat 23 Mar 2020
Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman
Handwashing in water-stressed countries major challenge in fight against Covid-19
‘We are all being told that the best way to keep coronavirus at bay is washing hands with soap and water several times a day; authorities need to quickly come up with solutions for the large number of Indians who do...‘
thethirdpole.net 23 Mar 2020
Shyam Saran
‘Covid-19 nudges India to pursue regional cooperation through both SAARC and BIMSTEC‘
The Indian EXPRESS 21 Mar 2020
M V Rappai
‘In mid-January this year the world listened to the horrendous news of the outbreak of notorious coronavirus (now known as Covid-19) in China’s Wuhan city, capital of Hubei province.‘
Diplomatist 20 Mar 2020
Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman
Fuzzy frames: Mobile borders versus rigid boundaries in India’s neighbourhood
‘Informal Markets and Fuzzy Flows in Fragile Border Zones.‘
BrooKings 20 Mar 2020
Shyam Saran
‘India’s image and credibility are taking a beating, and it does matter‘
The Tribune 13 Mar 2020
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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