ICSIN > ICS In Media
Shyam Saran
‘Former foreign secretary Shyam Saran was PM’s Special Envoy,‘
The Times of India 24 May 2020
Anand P Krishnan
Urban Spaces | Migrant workers remain invisible in India and China
‘While political systems, level of State capacity and trajectory of development may vary, cities in China and India have retained many common threads of socio-spatial exclusion of migrant workers.‘
Moneycontrol 21 May 2020
Ashok K Kantha
Nepal map row: Has India provoked Kathmandu or is China instigating trouble for New Delhi?
‘India Wednesday sharply reacted to Nepal’s new official map that includes disputed territories, saying “such artificial enlargement of territorial claims will not be accepted”.‘
The Print 21 May 2020
Zorawar Daulet Singh
Making sense of India-China border tensions | The Hindu In Focus Podcast
‘India’s increased capability to patrol up to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) coupled with an increasingly assertive Chinese posture is fuelling new tensions along the border, according to former senior Indian officials.‘
The Hindu 20 May 2020
Shyam Saran
The Coronavirus Pandemic: Will the pandemic lead to a shift in the global order?
‘The coronavirus pandemic is a global crisis of an unprecedented nature that is reshaping the global order. Countries are grappling to control the spread of the disease by announcing lockdowns and closing borders.‘
cprindia.org 19 May 2020
Ravi Bhoothalingam
India-China Relations Post Covid
‘Here's how COVID will further complicate the emotionally complex India-China relationship‘
ManagingChange 18 May 2020
Shyam Saran
China's digital currency moves
‘With pilot runs for a digital yuan underway, its monetary system could well become an exemplar for other countries.‘
Business Standard 13 May 2020
Rajiv Ranjan
संकट से उबरती चीनी अर्थव्यवस्था
‘चीन से निकला कोरोना संकट न केवल एक स्वास्थ्य आपदा है, बल्कि गढ़े गये सामाजिक और आर्थिक व्यवस्था पर भी जोरदार आघात है. भूमंडलीकरण और आर्थिक उदारीकरण का पूरा ढांचा लड़खड़ा रहा है. देश अपने कवच में सिमट से गये हैं. ‘
Prabhat Khabar 7 May 2020
Shyam Saran
Inner turmoil taking place in China, but change in leadership unlikely
‘Inner turmoil taking place in China, but change in leadership unlikely‘
The Print 21 Apr 2020
Santosh Pai
FDI from China: Scrutiny is Fine, Blanket-Ban may Hit Investment Hard
‘The Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre revised India's foreign direct investment policy to curb “opportunistic takeovers or acquisition” of Indian companies due to the COVID-19 pandemic on April 18, 2020.‘
The Wire 21 Apr 2020
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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