ICSIN > ICS In Media
Ravi Bhoothalingam
Coronavirus and the Mandate of Heaven
‘Should not civilised societies prioritise human security which includes - but is not limited to - national security? Ravi Bhoothalingam ‘
Business Standard 12 Mar 2020
Rajiv Ranjan
Combatting Coronavirus: Learning from China experience
‘Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19 by WHO, has infected more than 100,000 people of over 100 countries, areas and territories across the world. ‘
Observer Research Foundation(ORF) 12 Mar 2020
Shyam Saran
Covid-19 is sign of an ecological crisis
‘Dealing with it as if it were a singular phenomenon occurring in a single domain will not work‘
Business Standard 9 Mar 2020
Rama V Baru
To contain coronavirus, monitor and communicate
‘Science, a functioning public health system, and government support are critical in managing epidemics ‘
Hindustan Times 6 Mar 2020
G Venkat Raman
Coronavirus Crisis Will Test India’s Will to Boost Ties With China
‘It has been ten years since I returned to India after spending seven years in Beijing. Looking back at my seven-year stint in Beijing, I have become convinced of the value of an international ‘immersion experience’. ‘
The Quint 5 Mar 2020
Shyam Saran
Time for a G20 summit on coronavirus
‘The world is facing a public health and economic crisis, with major implications for global stability.‘
Hindustan Times 4 Mar 2020
Shyam Saran
There is an asymmetry at the heart of India’s complex engagement with the world
‘India is in the vortex of the multiple transitions the world is going through. We have entered a new decade of its own mix of promise and peril.‘
ThePrint 2 Mar 2020
Rajiv Ranjan
गुरु- शिष्य की तरह भारत तिब्बत
‘गुरु-शिष्य की तरह भारत-तिब्बत. डॉ राजीव रंजन प्राध्यापक, शंघाई विश्वविद्यालय. 'को रा' यानी परिक्रमा तिब्बती लोगों के धार्मिक जीवन का अहम पहलू है. ये लोग मंदिर, किसी पहाड़ और किसी शहर की परिक्रमा करते हैं.‘
प्रभात खबर 1 Mar 2020
Raviprasad Narayanan
What coronavirus teaches India about China’s public-health system
‘On 24 May 2018, paramedics in protective gear buried one of the victims of the Nipah virus, in Kerala’s Kozhikode city. The outbreak killed 17 people in Kerala that month. ‘
The Caravan 29 Feb 2020
Shyam Saran
‘It would be wrong to say there was no substance to Trump's India tour. In fact, the mutual pay-off was significant.‘
Business Standard 27 Feb 2020
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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