ICSIN > ICS In Media
Jabin T Jacob
How best to take sides in somebody else’s revolution
‘While issues of democracy and individual rights have cropped up several times in the course of recent events...‘
DNA 10 Mar 2011
Rama V Baru
Inequities in Access to Health Services in India: Caste, Class and Region
‘Despite India’s impressive economic performance after the introduction of economic reforms...‘
Economic and Political Weekly 18 Sep 2010
Tshering Chonzom
Indian Democracy, Elections and Society
‘There is now light at the end of the tunnel. As you know, they fought like a 33% representation of women in the Indian Parliament.‘
Sina Nadine Tegeler 16 Jul 2009
Rama V Baru
‘With lobbying going on to replace cooked meals in the mid-day meal programme with...‘
Economic and Political Weekly 14 Jun 2008
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