ICSIN > ICS In Media
Jabin T Jacob
‘An India more confident of its democratic and republican ideals and willing to use these as foundations of its foreign policy...‘
DNA 8 Dec 2011
Jabin T Jacob
Asian Gullivers are at the mercy of Lilliputians
‘Both China and India remain wary of leaning too heavily on Kathmandu‘
DNA 1 Nov 2011
Jabin T Jacob
India’s road to China must pass through Tibet
‘The Tibetan government-in-exile has a new political leader. Lobsang Sangay took over not only as the new Kalon Tripa or Prime Minister but...‘
DNA 9 Sep 2011
Jabin T Jacob
China looks into the mirror to find India’s Congress
‘The Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrated the 90th anniversary of its founding in July this year.‘
DNA 13 Aug 2011
Jabin T Jacob
When the US is in the room, China is the elephant, not India
‘American resistance to greater Indian activity in Afghanistan and Indian reluctance to undertake a more value-based engagement in East Asia are hypocritical and shortsighted.‘
DNA 28 Jul 2011
Jabin T Jacob
Sino-Indian ties must evolve from see no Indians, hear no Chinese
‘As two countries that account for a third of the world’s population, India and China are letting themselves down badly by not ensuring greater and more frequent contacts between their peoples.‘
DNA 1 Jul 2011
Jabin T Jacob
As the US and China sit across a table, India is left without a chair
‘Early May, even as the world was coming to grips with the killing of Osama bin Laden, the US was moving to deal with...‘
DNA 27 May 2011
Jabin T Jacob
China’s Defence White Paper and the message for India
‘China’s seventh Defence White Paper released at the end of March, stated that one of its aims was to 'boost the world’s trust in [China’s] commitment to peaceful development‘
DNA 15 Apr 2011
Jabin T Jacob
When disaster strikes, politics is not far away
‘One of the more striking images of the 2008 earthquake in China was of a Japanese destroyer steaming into a Chinese port...‘
Dawn, 11 April 2011 11 Apr 2011
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