ICSIN > ICS In Media
Jabin T Jacob
India, Myanmar and China: Meeting at the Borders
‘Manmohan Singh’s visit to Myanmar in late May — the first by an Indian prime minister in 25 years — inevitably brings up comparisons to what China does in Myanmar.‘
DNA 4 Jun 2012
Jabin T Jacob
One Blind Man in a Tale of Two Governments
‘In late April, 40-year old blind Chinese civil rights activist, Chen Guangcheng dramatically escaped house arrest and turned up at the US embassy in Beijing seeking refuge.‘
DNA 14 May 2012
Jabin T Jacob
अग्निपथ से नहीं गुजरेगा चीन-भारत संबंध
‘देश और इससे बाहर पांच हजार किलोमीटर तक मार करने वाली अग्नि -5 मिसाइल के सफल परीक्षण की व्याख्या हो रही है। माना जा रहा है इसका निशाना चीन है।‘
Dainik Bhaskar 21 Apr 2012
Jabin T Jacob
Lessons from the political bloodletting in China
‘The dust has not yet settled on the dismissal of Bo Xilai as party secretary of Chongqing, one of China’s four major city-level provinces.‘
DNA 9 Apr 2012
Jabin T Jacob
China's policy dilemma: To intervene or not to intervene?
‘Many observers outside China, including those from India, have concluded that this massive build-up indicates that China is intent on making war with its neighbours.‘
DNA 13 Mar 2012
Jabin T Jacob
Make sure you have the new visa for China’s walls
‘In Sino-Indian relations, it would appear that the more things change, the more they remain the same.‘
DNA 25 Jan 2012
Jabin T Jacob
We are not that different, you and I
‘China is best looked at through an Indian lens.‘
DNA 27 Dec 2011
Jabin T Jacob
The man with the Dragon Tattoo
‘It is clear that China’s Vice President has what it takes for the top job but can he give the Chinese people the change they desperately want?‘
DNA 27 Dec 2011
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