For Myanmar, which has been under authoritarian military rule for several decades, the restoration of partial democracy in 2011
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For Myanmar, which has been under authoritarian military rule for several decades, the restoration of partial democracy in 2011
“Quad” was first laughed at in Beijing as a “beggar’s club,” then denounced as Cold War mindset. Analysts globally, especially in Beijing, have been describing India
Over three hundred and fifty years ago, when the West lost its first war with China over Taiwan, the technological level between the two sides was fairly even.
The defining nature of strategic developments since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2007-08 is a rising China making territorial assertions in the South and East China Seas and along the India-China border and coercive manoeuvring by the PLA Navy off the coast of Taiwan – all part of a broader effort to supplant the United States as the preeminent power in Asia.
China has advocated peaceful resolution of the nuclear proliferation issue in North Korea. It has regarded stability in North Korea as an important aspect in all of its policies and negotiations.
Is communism the only thread that weaves the relationship between China and North Korea? The comrades have been brothers-in-arms for a long time
Artificial Intelligence (AI), an emerging dual-use technology, which holds the potential to change the nature of warfare, has the profound capability of reshaping the ongoing great power rivalry. From diplomatic engagements to traditional methods of warfare, AI may be leveraged to change the nature of warfare as well as redefine the concepts of strategic stability, deterrence, and balance of power.
The Biden Administration is in process of working out its strategy on China, which it recognizes as a global rival seeking to displace the US in the international system. It is also under pressure from Republicans and Trump era policies to take hawkish positions, and continue or enhance trade and technology restrictions, and reduce Chinese access to US systems, including universities. Biden team, however, does not want to forgo the potential advantages from cooperation in select areas.
Then President George W. Bush announced in 2008 to join trade talks with a group comprising Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore that had reached a trade agreement in 2005.
The outbreak of coronavirus has shaken the world with more than 1,443,804 deaths and millions of infected patients.
Economic Corridor construction has become a new geostrategy for trade facilitation as well as economic expansion. The importance of Economic corridor concept developed mainly with the success of Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) transport connectivity.
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