Events > Special Lectures/Conferences
The theory and practice of Management are intertwined in different ways across businesses and institutions. The available literature identifies and analyses gaps between the practical dimensions of managerial operations and the theoretical formulations about how formal systems ought to be managed. From theoretical/ethical questions such as the ‘Purpose of Business’ at one end to the consumer-oriented aspect of the ‘Appropriateness of Products’ at the other, myriad issues are under constant review and deliberation. Structurally, the Euro-American models of ‘Organizations’ are by and large accepted as the most effective. However, the Context, which is shaped by history, culture and community practices, is also accepted as playing a critical role in determining the overall performance and behavior of organisations. Notwithstanding the recent attention given to understanding the context(ualities) in Management, the attempts remain half-hearted and incomplete, and at best appear to be paying lip service to alternate or local understanding; Socio-cultural aspects of management are mostly relegated to less significant domains of study and research.
The rise of China as the biggest economy in the world and the concurrent – though not as spectacular – rise of India, has opened up fascinating new realms of exploration in precisely this area of Context. These are two of the oldest civilizations which had once occupied the dominant position in the world economy and now appear to be slowly overtaking the advanced economies of the western world. Not only are they considered amongst the most preferred business destinations, but they are redefining the way in which businesses are being understood and managed. Together, their experiences and achievements have not only questioned the conventional wisdom in both the Theory and Practice of Management; they have demonstrated a capacity to provide solutions to rather intractable problems and shown a high degree of ingenuity in resolving what appear to be insurmountable barriers.
The conclave aims to raise questions about those contextual realities. From the experiences of the businesses to the concerns of the academia, sensitive to the two contexts, a symphony is thus envisaged. There are clearly great gains to be garnered through learning from each other and promoting a cooperative agenda.
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