Events > Wednesday Seminars

Wednesday Seminars

Coterminous with the Institute, is the weekly Wednesday Seminar, which has been held uninterruptedly for the last four decades. The topics span an enormous range and attract students, experts, practitioners and laypersons alike. These seminars provide an opportunity for interested people to have access to informed discussions on various aspects of China and are ample evidence that the sections within India, which are interested in knowing and learning about China are widening and enlarging.

24 May 2017
China’s Stance on Recent Developments in Arunachal Pradesh | 24 May 2017 | 3pm | ICWA
Dr. Hemant Adlakha | Ms. Suhasini Haidar | Dr. Tshering Chonzom Bhutia

China’s Stance on Recent Developments in Arunachal Pradesh
Venue: Conference Room, ICWA, Sapru House
17 May 2017
Roundtable Discussion on Select Defence and Security Issues in China | 17 May 2017 | ICWA
Lt. Gen. S. L. Narasimhan | Mr. Jayadeva Ranade

Chair and Moderator: Ambassador Ashok K Kantha, Director, Institute of Chinese
Venue: Conference Room, ICWA, Sapru House
26 Apr 2017
19 Apr 2017
China-Myanmar Relations: New Challenges Unfolding
Dr. Sampa Kundu
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
12 Apr 2017
05 Apr 2017
An Analysis of China’s Relations with North Korea
Dr. Ranjit Kumar Dhawan
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
08 Mar 2017
Historical Narratives of Modernization in the Ottoman and Qing Empire (1839-1923)
Dr. Marimuthu Ulaganathan

Historical Narratives of Modernization in the Ottoman and Qing Empire (1839-1923)
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
22 Feb 2017
Trump and China: Creating (Dis) Order in Asia
Dr. Amit Gupta
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
15 Feb 2017
An Indian Scholar in China: An Insider’s Perspective on China's Rise
Dr. Raj Verma

An Indian Scholar in China: An Insider’s Perspective on China's Rise
Venue: ICS, Seminar Room

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