Coterminous with the Institute, is the weekly Wednesday Seminar, which has been held uninterruptedly for the last four decades. The topics span an enormous range and attract students, experts, practitioners and laypersons alike. These seminars provide an opportunity for interested people to have access to informed discussions on various aspects of China and are ample evidence that the sections within India, which are interested in knowing and learning about China are widening and enlarging.
15 Sep 2021
Aravind Yelery, Santishree Pandit, Jaimini Bhagwati, Partha Mukhopadhyay
The reform of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in the 1990s was politically unpleasant and socially threatening. There were mass closures of firms, tens of millions of lay-offs, and stock market listings for many of the biggest state firms
Venue: Zoom Webinar
08 Sep 2021
Bruce J. Dickson
Since Xi Jinping became General Secretary of the CCP in 2012, much attention has been paid to his steady accumulation of power. A parallel trend has received much less attention: the revival and strengthening of the CCP’s Leninist traditions.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
01 Sep 2021
Arpita Bose, Barnali Chanda, James Gethyn Evans, Sudarshana Chanda
This seminar intends to examine different narratives (including archival materials, travelogues, journals and newspapers) related to connections across Asia from the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
25 Aug 2021
Bonnie S. Glaser, Alan Hao Yang, Sana Hashmi, Ashok K. Kantha
As the Indo-Pacific construct evolves, it is important to look at how this set of relations and its future hold relevance for the like-minded countries in the Indo-Pacific region and what could these countries do to minimise the threat
Venue: Webex Webinar
18 Aug 2021
Hans H. Tung, Mareike Ohlberg, Nivedita Rao Kommineni, Priyanka Pandit
The pandemic has accelerated prevailing trends and triggered new ones in China. Erosion of Deng-Era institutions has led to centralization of power and coloured China’s response to the pandemic.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
11 Aug 2021
Shyam Saran, Lance Gore, Manoranjan Mohanty, Rana Mitter
The clandestine grouping of a dozen young Chinese intellectuals this month a century ago in Shanghai has magnified into an event of world historical significance.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
04 Aug 2021
Avtar Singh Bhasin, Tanvi Madan, Ananth Krishnan
In his latest book, _Nehru, Tibet and China_, A.S. Bhasin seeks to challenge the conventional narrative handed down since the fifties of last century that China was
Venue: Zoom Webinar
28 Jul 2021
Dr. Anurag Viswanath
21 Jul 2021
Dr. Lo Yuet Keung
14 Jul 2021
Shri Vijay Gokhale