Coterminous with the Institute, is the weekly Wednesday Seminar, which has been held uninterruptedly for the last four decades. The topics span an enormous range and attract students, experts, practitioners and laypersons alike. These seminars provide an opportunity for interested people to have access to informed discussions on various aspects of China and are ample evidence that the sections within India, which are interested in knowing and learning about China are widening and enlarging.
15 Dec 2021
Veda Vaidyanathan, Madhurendra Jha, Tiasangla Longkumer, Shanky Chandra
In collaboration with the Harvard Yenching Institute (HYI), the ICS inaugurated the Institute of Chinese Studies-Harvard Yenching Institute (ICS-HYI) Joint Scholarship for Doctoral Research
Venue: Zoom Webinar
08 Dec 2021
Ravi Bhoothalingam
The Mongol empire under Genghis Khan and his successors was an early and remarkable example of globalisation, brought about by what was once considered 'only' a nomadic civilisation. At its maximum expanse
Venue: Zoom Webinar
24 Nov 2021
Ruediger Frank
The DPRK, or North Korea, has in the past two decades become a major issue of concern due to its geostrategic importance, its possession of nuclear weapons and the resulting direct and indirect threats
Venue: Zoom Webinar
17 Nov 2021
Shyam Saran, Joseph Gerson, Da Wei, Zhiqun Zhu, Kanti Bajpai
In the US media, as also in the global press, leading headlines in the past few days have been “A US-China clash is not unthinkable,” “The US could stumble into a nuclear war with China over Taiwan,” and “America would defend
Venue: Zoom Webinar
27 Oct 2021
Fulong Wu, Tao Wang, Yue Zhang
The rapid Chinese urbanisation process has been admired, much studied but perhaps still less understood than one would like. Of particular interest in this process has been the phenomenon often described as financialization and the nexus of land
Venue: Zoom Webinar
20 Oct 2021
Sonia Shukla
The Tawang region in Arunachal Pradesh has traditionally been known to draw its linkages from Tibet. Its ethnicity and religious practices are derived directly from Tibet. And until 1951, even the administration of the area
Venue: Zoom Webinar
13 Oct 2021
Reeja Nair
In its Thirteenth Five Year Plan in 2016, the government of Shenzhen announced that establishing housing for ‘talent workers’ will be a priority for public housing in the future. In pursuance of this, in August 2018
Venue: Zoom Webinar
06 Oct 2021
Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman, Dr. Ruth Gamble, Vishwa Ranjan Sinha
The Brahmaputra River basin is shared between China, India, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. China and India have already fought a war in the territory through which the river flows, and Bangladesh faces incredible human security pressures in its basin area
Venue: Zoom Webinar
29 Sep 2021
Happymon Jacob
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is likely to play a major role in the geopolitics of the South-Central Asian region. US withdrawal from Afghanistan, SCO’s focus on post-American Afghanistan, and the growing proximity among China
Venue: Zoom Webinar
22 Sep 2021
Gautam Mukhopadhaya, Andrew Small, Suhasini Haidar
China sees an opportunity in and is tempted by the space vacated by the withdrawal of US troops and the takeover of the Taliban with whom it has cultivated relations over years, to step into Afghanistan economically and strategically.
Venue: Zoom Webinar