The talk will attempt to prove the hypothesis that China’s aggressive action on the Northern Borders is connected to its global confrontation with the US and its allies.
This book discussion will commence with the Chair’s introduction of the author and the book, followed by Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy’s brief talk for about 20 minutes about the nature and chief arguments of his book.
This Book Discussion would essentially be in the Q&A format between the author, Kishan Rana and the Chair, Ravi Bhoothalingam. Since the focus is on the book, the Seminar will commence
Prof. Patricia Uberoi, Prof. Rama V. Baru, Dr. Madhurima Nundy
The ICS-CSMCH Public Health Resource Portal is a repository of materials consisting of peer-reviewed articles, working papers, primary sources, books, and reports.
Dr. Jabin T. Jacob, Dr. Rityusha Mani Tiwary, Dr. Bhim Subba
Dr. Jabin T. Jacob is Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations and Governance Studies at the Shiv Nadar University, India and Adjunct Research Fellow at the National Maritime Foundation
Veda Vaidyanathan, Arhin Acheampong, Ms. Sanusha Naidu
How are members of the Indian diaspora and the business community in Ghana responding to increasing Chinese engagement in the region? The panel discussion is based on a forthcoming paper that examines how Indian businesses can compete in African markets
Shinzo Abe was a towering figure in Japanese politics, leaving his imprint on virtually all aspects of national life and policy. As an ardent nationalist with a whip of leadership, however
Japan accepted the allied demand for unconditional surrender on 15 August 1945. Rather than focusing on just Japan and the USA or seeing Japan’s surrender as the definite end