Events > Special Lectures/Conferences
ICS-SNU RM Workshop 2022
Institute of Chinese Studies in association with the Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University (SNU), invites applications to participate in a workshop on research methods in Chinese Studies for young researchers and academicians interested in China and its neighbourhood, including on India-China relations and India-China comparisons.
The objective of the three-day workshop is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding about research methodology, field research, data use, and writing skills, in the context of writing about China and East Asia.
The applicant should be engaged in researching and writing on a topic related to China, East Asia or an aspect of India’s Asia policy that impinges on China.
Eligibility to participate in the workshop
Master's, M.Phil, and early Ph.D. students working on China and East Asia
Those will Chinese language skills will get a preference
Interested applicants are required to submit a writing sample and a synopsis (800 to 1000 words) of a proposed article on China and East Asia that they would like to prepare for publication.
The synopses will be screened by the organizers and selected applicants will mandatorily be required to submit a full draft of their articles (3000-5000 words) prior to the commencement of the workshop.
Important dates:
15 May 2022: Deadline for receipt of synopsis of the article along with covering letter. This should be attached to
23 May 2022: Notification to be sent by the organizers to those whose applications have been accepted.
30 May 2022: Deadline for receipt of the complete draft of the article by the participant.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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