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Gautam Bambawale
Nga-Ấn Độ thiết lập cơ chế Đối thoại “2+2”, gửi thông điệp ngầm đến Mỹ và Trung Quốc
‘VOV.VN - Chuyên gia Kupriyanov nhấn mạnh, Đối thoại 2+2 có thể coi là một công cụ hiệu quả để Nga và Ấn Độ giải quyết những hiểu lầm và hợp tác trong các lĩnh vực mà cả hai nước cùng quan tâm.‘
vov 30 Apr 2021
Hemant Adlakha
Nicholas Burns for China Envoy: Is Biden Sending Wrong Signals to Beijing?
‘“The US ambassador to Beijing must be someone who can show to the world the importance of the Unites States’ relationship with the Peoples’ Republic of China,”‘
NIICE 26 Apr 2021
Madhurima Nundy
‘Despite the tensions between the two countries over border disputes, the mindless tirade against China in most Indian media‘
Media India Group 25 Apr 2021
Hemant Adlakha
Kerry’s China Visit: ‘A Weasel Paying a New Year Call to a Chicken’
‘A section in the international press claims the US climate envoy John Kerry’s mid-week Shanghai visit was aimed at the White House “wooing Beijing” before the upcoming Earth Summit on April 22. ‘
moderndiplomacy 19 Apr 2021
Gautam Bambawale
Should India change its policy toward China? | The Hindu In Focus Podcast
‘ndia-China relations stand at a crossroads after the border crisis in 2020. Where do relations go from here, and how should India engage with China ‘
The Hindu 12 Apr 2021
Veda Vaidyanathan
India, Africa, and the U.S.-China Rivalry
‘The United States government is stepping up its effort to mobilize its friends and allies to challenge China’s growing influence across large swathes of the Global South. ‘
The China Africa Project 9 Apr 2021
Santosh Pai
The Hindu Explains | How does China’s digital currency work?
‘How is legal tender issued by the central bank different from payments guaranteed by a third-party operator?‘
The Hindu 4 Apr 2021
Santosh Pai
How China's Digital Currency will change online payments | The Hindu In Focus Podcast
‘In this episode, we look at China's plans for a Digital Currency, officially titled the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP), also known as the digital RMB (the Renminbi is China’s currency).‘
The Hindu 3 Apr 2021
Gautam Bambawale
How India can meet the China challenge
‘The judicious use of self-reliance, grounded in self-confidence, where India engages with the world without insecurity, forms alliances, and leverages democracy‘
Hindustan Times 27 Mar 2021
Shyam Saran
For India, Quad is just one option. US-China meet at Anchorage shows that
‘China has rejected the US’ ‘rules-based international order’. It will play only by its own rules, and, as the Alaska meet shows, aggressively.‘
THE PRINT 24 Mar 2021
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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