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Shivshankar Menon
A Conversation with Ambassador Shivshankar Menon: India and Asian Geopolitics, The Past, Present
‘In his new book, Ambassador Menon makes a strong case for India’s growing importance on the global stage and its pivotal role in the new Asian order. ‘
The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada 7 May 2021
Alka Acharya
Partijsko tijelo rugalo se masovnim lomačama umrlih od covida, pogledajte sramotnu objavu
‘Mislim da kineska javnost nema kolektivni schadenfreude (zlurad) stav prema razornoj epidemiji u Indiji. Normalno je da neki glasno govore o stavu Indije prema Kini. ‘
Jutarnji 5 May 2021
Shivshankar Menon
'India's way forward is to engage': Shiv Shankar Menon
‘Former National Security Advisor Shiv Shankar Menon’s new book, India and Asian Geopolitics: The Past, Present, makes an unusual request of the reader‘
Mint Lounge 5 May 2021
Rama V Baru
Modi Government Guilty of "Criminal Negligence | The Emperor has No Clothes" | India COVID Crisis
‘India's top public health professional Dr Rama Baru in a conversation with Barkha Dutt talked about the government's response to the second wave of COVID-19 in India.‘
MOJO STORY 5 May 2021
Hemant Adlakha
Kissinger Again Warns US, China Heading for Armageddon-like Clash
‘In January 2015, the peace group CODEPINK dangled a pair of handcuffs in front of the then 91-year old former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at a Senate hearing.‘
Modern Diplomacy 5 May 2021
Happymon Jacob
A COVID blot on India’s foreign policy canvas
‘A direct consequence of the pandemic is that New Delhi’s claim to regional primacy and leadership could take a hit ‘
The Hindu 5 May 2021
Madhurima Nundy
Grim Image of India Prompts Debate Over China’s Swaggering Propaganda
‘Even in China, where propaganda has become increasingly pugnacious, the display was jarring:‘
The Economic Times 4 May 2021
Alka Acharya
Official Chinese social media accounts forced to delete posts mocking India’s Covid-19 death toll
‘An official Communist Party body and the public security ministry were hit by an online backlash for posts contrasting Chinese successes with mulitple pyres‘
South China Morning Post 3 May 2021
Gautam Bambawale
‘По словам экспертов, принятое Индией и Россией решение провести встречу министров обороны и иностранных дел этих‘
inosmI 1 May 2021
Gautam Bambawale
A message for US and China as India and Russia put two and two together
‘A meeting of the Indian and Russian foreign and defence ministers has a purpose beyond clearing up bilateral misunderstandings, experts say‘
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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