People > Madhurima Nundy
Madhurima Nundy is an Honorary Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Delhi, India. She is currently a Fellow at the Global Business School for Health, University College London (since January 2025), where she researches health systems in low- and middle-income countries. Her areas of interest include comparative health systems, the commercialization of healthcare, the medical-industrial complex, and health inequalities. She has several publications and has been a regular contributor to policy analysis in the field of public health in China and India.
Previously, she was a Fellow in Health and Human Development at the Centre for Social and Economic Progress, New Delhi (2022–2024). She also served as an Assistant Director and Fellow at ICS, Delhi (2012–2021) and as a Senior Programme Coordinator at the Public Health Resource Network, New Delhi (2009–2012). Among other roles, she was a Technical Consultant with the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (2004–2005) and a Research Associate at the Institute of Social Studies Trust (1999–2001).
Even in China, where propaganda has become increasingly pugnacious, the display was jarring:
Despite the tensions between the two countries over border disputes, the mindless tirade against China in most Indian media
Thousands of Indian medical students who graduate in China are blocked from work on their return by the notorious Foreign Medical Graduate Exam
The mobility of Indian students travelling abroad for higher education, has been on the rise since the early 2000s. The favoured destinations have been the US, Canada, Europe and Australia. However, in the last few years it has been observed that China is one of the top non-English speaking countries where Indians are going for higher education, mostly for undergraduate medical courses.
The impact of COVID-19 has been unprecedented across the world and urban cities have faced it in full force and are among the worst affected. It began in the city of Wuhan in China and spread to other cities within and outside China. In India too, most metropolitan cities especially Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad have..
The Chinese government’s role today is split between public funding of social insurance for curative services and provisioning of private healthcare.
This topical book will be useful to scholars and researchers of Chinese studies, Chinese economy, public health, health management, social health and medicine, medical sociology, sociology, political economy, public policy and public administration as well as policymakers and practitioners.
This analysis places the recent developments in health policy in India and China in the context of the departure from the principles and design that informed the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach in 1978.
(Co-author ) ICS Analysis, Issue No. 51, September 2017
This paper attempts to present the different models of PPPs being piloted in the tertiary public hospitals in India and China. It also compares the respective models in terms of the variations in design, the levels of emergence etc.
This edited volume is a collection of papers presented at the International Seminar on "Challenges to Health Service Systems in Transition: China and India". The authors are public health scholars from various institutes and universities from Beijing, Delhi and Shanghai.
The paper anlyses the growing importance of Pubic Health in a globalised world primarily due to rising incidence of infectious diseases and threats posed by transnational disease epidemics.
यह पेपर वैश्विक दुनिया में पब्लिक हेल्थ ;मुख्य रूप से संक्रामक बीमारियों की बढ़ती हुई घटनाओं और ट्रांसनेशनल महामारी द्वारा उत्पन्न खतरे के कारण; के बढ़ते महत्व मुहैया कराता है।
ICS Analysis, Issue No. 46, May 2017
ICS Blogs
ICSSR Project, ICS
China Report, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp.339-342
The announcement of the shift from a one-child to two-child policy at the fifth plenum of the 18th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China...
The commercialisation of medical education in India has led many students to study medicine abroad. China tops the list of the most preferred destination to study medicine.
ICS Analysis, Issue No. 40, July 2016
ICS Blogs
This paper looks at social unrest, resistances and growth of non-governmental organisations in the social sector arising from consequences of the reform agenda in the last three decades.
ICS Blogs
(Co-author), ICS Blogs
Several incidents of violence have been reported against doctors and other health personnel in China in the last few years that have received considerable media attention.
चीन में पिछले कुछ वर्षों में डॉक्टरों और अन्य स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों के विरुद्ध हिंसा की कई घटनाएं घटी हैं, जिन्हें मीडिया में भी बहुत कवरेज मिला है।
ICS Blogs
ICSSR Project, ICS
ICS Analysis, No. 37, December 2015
China Policy Institute Blog, The University of Nottingham
The historical pathway for the emergence of China and India as global players has been different.
China Report, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp.147-150
(Co-author) in Rama Baru (ed.), Medical Insurance Schemes for the Poor: Who Benefits? (New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2015), pp.111-150
in Md. Nazrul Islam (ed.), Public Health Challenges in Contemporary China: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Heidelberg: Springer, 2015), pp. 9-23
On 8 August 2014, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the Ebola outbreak a public health emergency
ICS Analysis, No. 23, December 2014
Several scholars have commented on the content and process of reform as encompassing both developed and developing countries and acknowledge that it is a global process informed by the principles of new public management (NPM).
Working Paper, published by Sama - Resource Group for Women and Health
Social Change, Vol. 43, No. 2, June 2013, pp. 321-324
ICSSR Project, Public Health Resource Network, 2012
Module No. 18, New Delhi: Public Health Resource Network, 2012
Module No.16, New Delhi: Public Health Resource Network, 2011
New Delhi: Public Health Resource Network and Centre for Equity Studies, 2011
(Co-author) Working Paper Series 3, Vol. 1, USRN, New Delhi, 2010
in Timmermann, Martina and Kruesmann, Monika (ed.) Public Private Partnerships within the Ethical Framework of the UN Global Compact: The Example of the “Women's Health Initiative for Improving Women's and Girls´ Health in India” (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2009)
Background Paper, Modes of Service Delivery, Collective Action and Societal Regulation: Making Public Services Responsive to the Poor in Brazil, India and Mexico, IDS, Sussex
Delhi: UNESCO / UNAIDS, 2001
New Delhi: Institute of Social Studies Trust, 2001
Comparative Health Systems, Commercialization of Healthcare, Medical-Industrial Complex and Health Inequalities
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Health and Wellbeing in the Context of the 19th Congress of the CPC
01 Nov 2017
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