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About the Speaker
John W. Garver is Professor Emeritus in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prof John is member of editorial board in the following journals China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, and the Journal of American-East Asian Relations, and also a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. He is the author of eleven books and over one-hundred articles dealing with China’s foreign relations. His books include: China’s Quest: A History of the Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China (Oxford University Press, 2016); The Protracted Contest, China-Indian Rivalry in the Twentieth Century and Face Off: China, the United States, and Taiwan’s Democratization (2000 and 1997, both by the University of Washington Press); The Sino-American Alliance (East Gate); Nationalist China and U.S. Cold War Strategy in Asia (M.E. Sharpe, 1997); The Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China (Prentice Hall, 1993; this is one of the most widely used textbooks on PRC foreign relations); Chinese-Soviet Relations, 1937-1945: The Diplomacy of Chinese Nationalism (Oxford University Press, 1988); and China’s Decision for Rapprochement with the United States (Westview, 1982).
Dr. Garver has received grants from the Fulbright Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the U.S. National Academy of Science, the U.S. Department of Education, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, and the U.S. Institute for Pakistan Studies. He has lived in various parts of China for over six years, has traveled widely throughout Asia, has conducted formal research in a number of Asian countries, is fluent in Chinese and has taught that language to his two children. He served in the U.S. Army from 1969-71. He also speaks German. Further details about Prof John you can find: http://www.inta.gatech.e
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