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Concept Note
Demographic transition and population ageing are one of most discussed phenomenon of the present times. China and India are at different stages of the demographic transition. In India about 8.6 percent of the population are elderly while in China it is 16.1 percent. Given the large population size of both the countries, the number of elderly is large. The challenges of caring for the elderly varies across location, class and gender. In both these countries the changes in family structure has posed multiple challenges for elderly care. The various services required for a comprehensive approach would include social security in the form of pensions, health care and supported living arrangements both at home and in institutions that would include those who do not have family support and are unable to look after their own needs. Prioritising social, economic, physical and emotional needs and focusing on their quality of life is an important component of care.
It is quite apparent that China has a much more comprehensive approach to planning for elderly care with the State playing a proactive role. As a contrast, the Indian state has a limited role both in terms of policy and programmes for elderly care. The dominant model for elderly care in China includes public provisioning, public-private partnerships and a small ‘for-profit’ segment. Public provisioning covers pensions, insurance based cover for medical care and home based services. The ‘for-profit’ segment covers home-based care, long-term and assisted living communities in urban areas. As a contrast, elderly care services in India are largely unorganised. Most of them are managed by NGOs and there is little presence of the local, state and central government in the provisioning of services.
A two-day international seminar organized by the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Delhi on ‘Arrangements for Elderly Care in India and China’ will be held on 12-13 March 2019 in New Delhi. The two-day Seminar will discuss policies and patterns of arrangements for elderly care in the urban contexts in both these countries with a special focus on Shanghai and the Delhi. The Seminar will bring together academics, practitioners, policy makers from both the countries to understand issues around elderly population and their needs.
The two-day seminar consists of the following themes:
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