Events > Wednesday Seminars

Wednesday Seminars

Coterminous with the Institute, is the weekly Wednesday Seminar, which has been held uninterruptedly for the last four decades. The topics span an enormous range and attract students, experts, practitioners and laypersons alike. These seminars provide an opportunity for interested people to have access to informed discussions on various aspects of China and are ample evidence that the sections within India, which are interested in knowing and learning about China are widening and enlarging.

15 Jan 2020
China's Financial Integration
Prof. Anoop Singh
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
08 Jan 2020
18 Dec 2019
“Houses for Living, Not for Speculating”: Affordable Housing in Shenzhen, 1998-2019
Reeja Nair

In August 2018, Shenzhen government announced the decision to provide 1 million units of subsidized housing by 2035. This move has been seen by many as an effort to retain skilled workers ...
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
11 Dec 2019
China in Zambia: Notes from the field
Veda Vaidyanathan

As a part of the 'China in the World' research programme at the ICS, Veda Vaidyanathan undertook a 2 week long fieldwork in Zambia to understand China's increasing engagement with the country.
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
27 Nov 2019
The Democracy Conundrum in Hong Kong
Rup Narayan Das
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
30 Oct 2019
Land, People and Faith in Wang Meng’s Zhe bian fengjing
Dr. Debasish Chaudhuri
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
23 Oct 2019
Semicolonialism, China and International law
Dr. Prabhakar Singh
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
16 Oct 2019
Is there a recent revival of Chinese nationalism?
Dr Gunjan Singh
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS
09 Oct 2019
18 Sep 2019
China's New FDI Law: A Mixed Bag For Foreign Investors
Santosh Pai
Venue: Seminar Room, ICS

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