ICS Translations

胡乔木的悲哀 Hu Qiaomu and His Melancholy

Hu Qiaomu was a Communist Party of China (CPC) politician and propagandist, and arguably the People’s Republic’s most prominent historian. Born in Jiangsu province to a wealthy landowning family, Hu studied history, philosophy and foreign studies at Zhejiang and universities, before joining the CCP in 1935. Hu replaced Chen Boda as Mao Zedong’s secretary (1945-49) before forming the state news agency Xinhua and heading the People’s Daily newspaper. In 1956, Hu was elected to the CCP Central Committee and became a deputy director of the party’s propaganda unit. He fell out of favour in 1962 after encouraging the Beijing historian Wu Han to publish his play Hai Rui Dismissed from Office. Disliked by Jiang Qing, Hu was marginalised and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. He was restored to the Central Committee in 1974 after a period of self-criticism.


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