ICS In The Media

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  • Shyam Saran

    Beijing’s response to Covid underlines that the world needs more democracy, not less

    ‘There is no escaping the fact that COVID-19 may not have become a pandemic if China were a democracy with a free flow of information through an independent media and accountable political leadership. ‘

    The Indian EXPRESS
    20 Apr 2020

  • Mahesh Kumar Kamtam

    Explained: The conflict between the WHO and Taiwan

    ‘The World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in a press conference held on April 8 in Geneva, accused Taiwan of orchestrating attacks on him using the “N” word‘

    20 Apr 2020

  • M V Rappai

    India - China: 70 Years of Diplomatic Relations

    ‘Both India and China have decided to celebrate the year 2020 with large scale functions and fanfare to mark the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the two newly emerged‘

    20 Apr 2020

  • Santosh Pai

    New FDI rules may have unintended effects

    ‘Masking in glory: An incremental purchase of shares in HDFC by the People’s Bank of China made news, recently. reuters ‘

    The Hindu
    18 Apr 2020

  • Rajiv Ranjan

    कोरोना को रोकने की चीन की कोशिश

    ‘दुनिया लॉकडाउन में है और कोरोना से लड़ने के लिए गांव-शहर जेल में तब्दील हो गये हैं. वहीं कोरोना संकट ने सरकारों को अभूतपूर्व शक्तियां भी प्रदान की हैं. राज्य एक सार्वभौमिक निगरानी संस्था के रूप में उभरी है,‘

    Prabhat Khabar
    17 Apr 2020

  • Anand P Krishnan

    Covid-19 and the crisis of informal labour in India

    ‘With India’s national lockdown set to be extended, P.K. Anand argues that the time has come for the Indian government to wake up to the precarious reality of labour relations in the country. ‘

    China Labour Bulletin
    13 Apr 2020

  • Mahesh Kumar Kamtam

    Communist Party of China and the Crisis of Social Contract in a Globalised World

    ‘Communist Party of China and the Crisis of Social Contract in a Globalised World‘

    13 Apr 2020

  • Nirmola Sharma

    The Long Sweep of India–China History

    ‘India, China and the World: A Connected History by Tansen Sen‘

    Economic & Political Weekly
    11 Apr 2020

  • Anand P Krishnan

    COVID-19 | Labour, lockdown and the State’s predicament

    ‘The images of migrants on roads across India should perhaps help us re-evaluate the often romanticised images of the massive movement of workers annually in China. ‘

    3 Apr 2020

  • Zorawar Daulet Singh

    Coexisting in the Indo-Pacific

    ‘THE emphasis in recent years on the unity of Asia’s vast maritime geography – exemplified by the idea of the Indo-Pacific – might suggest this is a new idea. ‘

    India Seminar
    1 Apr 2020

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