People > Chandrali Sarkar


Ms. Chandrali Sarkar is a recipient of the Japan Foundation Fellowship 2021 and is currently a Research Scholar at the Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University (SFC) in Japan. She is also pursuing her Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University in Japanese Studies from the Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Relations. 

She specializes in Japan's policy towards infrastructure investments in the Indo-Pacific Region and its geopolitical implications. Her recent publications include "Rise of Geo-economics in the 21st Century: A Unique Case of Japan", "Japan in India's Northeast: A Theoretical Approach", and Malaysia-India Infrastructure & Real Estate Collaboration' in edited books and magazines.

The Trajectory of Structural Reform of Japanese Economy: Strategizing Export of Package-Type Infrastructure Overseas
12 Aug 2022

The Japanese government has gradually learned to rearrange its policy priorities to deal with the stagnation post-bubble burst and engagements with international players based on significant structural changes


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