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China solved their border disputes with Russia in 2004, but China still has land-border disputes with India and Bhutan as well as sea-border disputes in the South-China Sea and in the East-China Sea. Deng Xiaoping pursued common policy to the neighbours to “shelve” or “put aside” disputes. This policy was applied both to India and Japan. In retrospect, how this policy should be evaluated, in comparison with Mao Zedong’s and Xi Jinping’s policy?
About the Speaker
Keiji Ide is teaching international relations at Graduate School of Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan and the Japanese history at Higher School of Economics, online, Russia. He served for 40 years in the Japanese Foreign Service, retired in 2020. He worked as Minister of Japan to PRC (2004-2007), Minister of Japan to Russia (2010-2013), Ambassador to Croatia (2014-2016), Special Representative of Japan on cooperation to combat against terrorism and international crimes (2016), Special Representative of Japan on cooperation in the Arctic (2017-2018), Special Representative of Japan for international economy and trade (2016-2020). In Beijing, he worked as a press spokesperson of the Japanese Embassy and gave numerous interviews with the Chinese media (See: He received M.A. degrees from the Diplomatic Academy of Russia (China-Russia territorial negotiations) and Waseda University (India-China territorial negotiations). His publications include How to cope with Chinese media (2005), Public Diplomacy (co-author, 2007), The History of China-Russia Border Negotiations (2017) and Emerging Legal Orders in the Arctic (co-author, 2019). Besides Japanese and English, he speaks Russian and reads Chinese and French.
About the Chair
Avtar Singh Bhasin retired from the Ministry of External Affairs in 1993 after three-decade of service as head of the Historical Division. Since then, he has taken to academic research. He was Senior Fellow at the Indian Council of Historical Research and an Honorary Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary Studies of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. He has produced several studies on South Asia. His publications include India-Sri Lanka: Relations and Sri Lanka's Ethnic Conflict Documents — 1947-2000 in five volumes, India-Bangladesh Relations Documents – 1971- 2002 also in five volumes; Nepal-India and Nepal-China Relations 1947- June 2005 in five volumes, India - China Relations, 1947-2000: A Documentary Study in five volumes; and India-Pakistan Relations 1947-2007: A Documentary Study in 10 volumes. He also published for the Ministry of External Affairs an annual series titled-India’s Foreign Relations from 2002 to 2013. His other publications include Some Called it Partition, Some Freedom: Last 75 Days of the Raj, India in Sri Lanka: Between Lion and the Tigers, India-Pakistan: Neighbours at Odds, Nehru, Tibet and China, and forthcoming book Negotiating India’s Landmark Agreements being published by Penguin.
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Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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