Events > Wednesday Seminars
Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy is the embodiment of Korea’s aspiration to reach out beyond Korea’s immediate neighbourhood. It is not about Korea reactively responding to a certain country or a certain international trend. Rather, it is about Korea proactively reaching out to the Indo-Pacific region and taking on a bigger role and responsibility. Korea is now a vibrant democracy that cherishes universal norms and values, which are prerequisites for great and innovative ideas to flourish. We aspire to work with all countries that share our vision for a free, peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific, so as to promote a rules-based international order based on universal values. What makes our Indo-Pacific strategy unique is our narrative of national development. Korea is the only country to rise up from being among the world’s poorest country to become an OECD donor country. Korea is ready to share the experiences and knowledge accumulated so far, and help meet the aspirations of the countries in the region to achieve national development and economic growth. Needless to say, India is one of the most important partners in implementing our Indo-Pacific strategy. This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations. Moreover, this year India has assumed the presidency of G20, and Korea is ready to fully support India for the success of the upcoming G20 summit.
About the Speaker
Mr. Sang-Woo Lim is the Deputy Chief of Mission, Korean Embassy, New Delhi. Minister Lim began his career as Foreign Service Officer in 1996. He has served in multiple Korean missions abroad, including the United States, Iraq (Erbil Office), the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Brazil. He has also served as Korea’s first resident Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar from 2018 to 2020. Prior to coming to India, Minister Lim served as Director-General of North American Affairs Bureau. He also served concurrently as the Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific Strategy Task Force and was in charge of drafting Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy. Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy was announced in December 2022. Minister Lim holds a B.A. in Business Administration from Seoul National University, and a Master in Science in Foreign Service (MSFS) from Georgetown University. In addition to his native tongue, Korean, he speaks English, and French, and is learning Hindi.
About the Chair
Dr. Jitendra Uttam (Ph.D., Seoul National University) is currently Assistant Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His representative publications include two books, The Political Economy of Korea: Transition, Transformation and Turnaround (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014); and Varieties of Capitalism in Asia: Beyond the Developmental State, co-authored book with David Hundt (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), research papers, “Shifting Contours of India’s Asian Relations: Domestic Constraints Versus International Opportunities,” International Studies, 54 (1-4), (2017): 2-21; and “Making of the ‘Korean Question’: A Reassessment of India’s Position at the United Nations,” International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol. 29 (2), (2020): 107-142.
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Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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