Events > Wednesday Seminars
Cross-strait relations are central to Taiwan’s development. Principles of cross-strait policies have been evolved along the process of the country’s postwar development. The most significant change is in the formulation of the national goal from ‘recovering the mainland’ to establishing the relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait as two political entities not subordinate to each other. Cross-strait policies of different governments before and after Taiwan’s democratization are guided by different principles. The Indo-Pacific strategy initiated by Japan and the United States in the context of the strategic competition between China and the United States is important for ensuring stability and peace in the region of Indo-Pacific. This is particularly significant for Taiwan’s security at a time when China has been more assertive and aggressive than ever about ‘unifying’ Taiwan with force if necessary. This seminar aims to provide an account about the evolution of cross-strait relations policies, and the challenges for Taiwan’s Indo-Pacific policy, both of which are closely interlinked.
About the Speaker
Mei-chuan Wei is an Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei; member of Gender Equality Committee, Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Executive Yuan, and board member of Taiwan Associations for Development Studies, and Taiwan Association for India Studies. She was awarded doctorate in Comparative Politics from the Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom and received post-doctoral award from Research Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan, and the Department of Political Science, National Cheng Kung University. Her research focus is on democracy and democratisation in East and South Asia, gender and development, public culture and political development, and social innovation and development. She has published journal articles in these fields.
About the Chair
Aravind Yelery is an Associate Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and holds a PhD in Chinese Studies. He is also a Visiting Faculty at the Fudan School of Management, Shanghai, and an Honorary Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies. In 2019, he won the Best Courseware Project Funds Award at Peking University. He has co-edited Tailspin: The Politics of India-China Economic Relations (London: Routledge, 2021) and authored China Inc.: Between State Capitalism and Economic Statecraft (New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2021).
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