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Since the transfer of the ‘China seat’ from Taipei to Beijing in 1971, the People’s Republic of China (PRC/China) has adopted diverse approaches to its United Nations (U.N.) diplomacy. China, a sophisticated and significant P5 member, identified the Department of Peace Operations as a prime venue to advance its interests, including promoting multilateralism and soft power. While the most striking features of China’s peacekeeping participation are its increased involvement and colossal contribution, its gradual and tacit acceptance of international norms (R2P) calls for attention. Moreover, the Chinese concept of “developmental peace” (发展和平 fazhan heping, DP) stands in opposition to “liberal peace” (LP) preferred by the West. While LP focuses on liberal values and institution building, DP prioritizes economic development without (politically) intervening in the country’s internal affairs. Is a coexistence of LP and DP feasible vis-à-vis U.N. peace operations (UNPOs)? By mining Chinese language sources, this interaction will unbox the domestic debate and throw light on various nuggets of China’s UN diplomacy.
About the Speaker
Md Yasin teaches Chinese at Aligarh Muslim University. Recently, he received his doctorate from the Centre for East Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He was also the recipient of the Harvard Yenching Institute – Institute of Chinese Studies, Multi-Year Doctoral Fellowship (2018-2022). Following his B.A. and M.A. in Chinese language from JNU, Md Yasin completed his postgraduate diploma at Beijing Language and Culture University on Chinese Government Scholarship. In 2017, Fudan University sponsored him to attend the BRICS Program in Shanghai. He was a Visiting Fellow at Central China Normal University (2018- 19), Peking University (2019-20) and Harvard University (2021-22). His recent publications have appeared in The Indian Journal of Politics, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE), The Quint, and China Daily.
About the Chair
Alka Acharya is Director, Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi; and, Professor and Chairperson at the Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, where she has been teaching and guiding doctoral research since 1993. From April 2012 to March 2017, she was full-time Director and Senior Fellow of the Institute of Chinese Studies. She was Editor of the quarterly journal China Report (New Delhi) from 2005-2013. She was nominated by the Indian government as a member of the India-China Eminent Persons Group (2006-2008) and was a member of the National Security Advisory Board of the Government of India for two terms (2006-2008) and (2011-2012). Her publications include Crossing a Bridge of Dreams: 50 years of India-China (co-edited, 2001), China & India: Politics of Incremental Engagement, (2008) and most recently, Boundaries and Borderlands: A Century after the 1914 Simla Convention (Routledge, New York 2023). Her current research focuses on India-China-Russia Trilateral Cooperation.
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Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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