Events > Wednesday Seminars
Domestic governance is a vast subject. This seminar takes up four elements, novel to the Chinese model. Our discussion may spin-off into more detailed work, including comparative studies
A) County Level Administration
The county is the base unit for governance in China. County governance is roughly comparable to district administration in India. The focus would be county administration, finances, role and functions of different institutions and the Party leadership. This also touches on Party Schools that function at county and province levels.
B) Cadres and their Domestic Role
The speaker explores how with the changing party and political ideology, the definition and role of cadres (ganbu) — i.e. the party official has transformed in China. What has been its impact on China's domestic governance, during the Xi Jinping era? What are the likely implications?
C) Governance of Science &Technology (S&T)
With slowing economic growth and a declining population, China risks "becoming old before it becomes rich". The solution is to radically improve total productivity, which requires an S&T-led environment of all-round creativity and innovation. But can China's current model of S&T governance step up to this challenge?
D) 'Leading Small Groups'
Dating to the CCP's Yenan days of the 1930s, this has evolved into a flexible system for joint Party-Government top policy and supervision. Brief reports in the official media name the LSG heads, but full membership is not disclosed. Totaling over 50, they represent a unique governance model.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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