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Water is of grave concern for both China and India. Water challenges, such as water scarcity, wastage/low efficiency, water pollution, to both countries is real and therefore deserve serious studies, strident counter-measures and meaningful if possible co-operations. However, water as a challenge between the two Asian giants is more a played-up story than a truth. Cooperation will help a lot for effectively meeting the water challenges. For effectively joint hand in this regard, “scarcity-conflict” paradigm must be cast away; joint measures such as joint R & D, economic cooperation on water, cooperation in global climate change and water regime, could be explored; innovation and willingness of cooperation need to be cultivated.
About the Speaker
Dr. Zeng Xiangyu is Associate Researcher and Research/Interactional Coordinator at the Institute of South Asian Studies, Sichuan University. His research interest covers South Asian studies in general and diplomatic/security studies in particular, as well as studies on Asian-Pacific and Chinese diplomacy. Apart from a book titled Pakistan's Foreign Policy: 1980-1992, Dr. Zeng has produced 20 papers on various topics like India's Post-Cold War Diplomacy, China’s trade, economic and social co-operation with India and Pakistan, and Regional Security Scenario in Afghanistan.
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