Events > Wednesday Seminars
This presentation is based on the speaker’s doctoral thesis on social welfare/social security of workers in China’s Small and Medium Enterprises, post 1980s, which tries to understand how the Chinese state under market reforms is responding and repositioning itself vis-à-vis the working class. Beginning with the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1987, which asserted the non-negotiability of economic reforms, and ending with the promulgation of the Labour Contract Law in 2008, the study examines the Chinese party-state’s policy responses and approaches towards social welfare. Examining the impact of the party-state’s changing priorities following the market reforms and analyzing the conditions of workers in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), it studies the binding factors in the relationship of state and welfare in China. It also seeks to understand the change(s) in the nature of welfare and the state in China since the commencement of the reforms. The doctoral research was also enriched by fieldwork carried out in select SMEs.
About the Speaker
Dr. P.K.Anand is a Research Associate at the Institute of Chinese Studies. He holds a PhD in Chinese Politics from the Centre for East Asian Studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Awarded in June 2017, his doctoral thesis is titled 'Market Dynamics and State Responses in China: Social Welfare and Industrial Workers, 1987-2008'. He also completed his M.Phil from the same centre in 2008. He has majored in Politics (with specialization in International Relations) from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2006. He completed a two-year India-China comparative project on funded by ICSSR on Labour Relations and Welfare in Small and Medium Enterprises in Mumbai and Wenzhou. He was also a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA with a ten month research stint from August 2016-May 2017.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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