Events > Wednesday Seminars
Recently, India figures prominently in South Korean foreign policy. The new-found attention is reflected in President Moon Jae-in’s ‘Northeast Asia Plus’ strategy and the ‘New Southern Policy’, elevating India’s status to the ranks of Seoul’s traditional ‘big four’ partners- US, China, Japan and Russia. Northeast Asia Plus strategy captures Seoul’s attempt to push the horizon of its foreign policy beyond Northeast Asia and the ‘big four’. New Southern Policy is the means through which Seoul attempts to improve its relations with India. The new dynamics while is reflective of Seoul’s attempts adjust to the ‘new’ regional realities, is scripting a new narrative of India-Korea relations. The presentation attempts to contextualise the ‘New Southern Policy’ and analyse its implications for India-Korea relations.
About the Speaker
Dr.Jojin V. John is a Research Fellow at the Indian Council of World Affairs. Prior to joining ICWA, he taught political science in Christ University, Bangalore and held visiting research position at National Chengchi University, Taipei; Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi; Seoul National University and Academy of Korean Studies, Korea. Dr. John received PhD from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. His research interest includes international relations in East Asia, Korean foreign policy and India-East Asia relations. Dr. John coordinates the India-South Korea Annual Dialogue (Track 1.5).
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