Events > Wednesday Seminars
This talk shall examine the dynamics of our river water interests /disputes, particularly with Pakistan, Bangladesh and China in the light of existing Treaties/Agreements with some of our neighbours on sharing of river waters and settlement of disputes regarding the same. The potential implications of an increased water-insecure world are population explosion, consistently growing economies with ever increasing energy needs, strained regional environment, demographically agrarian society and global warming/ climate change in the Asian sub-continent. It is argued that there is a likelihood of water interests /disputes today transforming into potential flash points/security risks in the near future. The speaker will also put forward some recommendations.
About the Speaker:
Ajay Jamwal has completed his MSc in Technical Weapon Systems from JNU and MSc in Defence and Strategic Studies from Madras University. He has had the opportunity of serving throughout the length and breadth of India. He is presently posted in Delhi and has taken some time off to pursue a Research Fellowship at the Institute of Chinese Studies.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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