Events > Wednesday Seminars
Improvement of cross-border research collaborations between universities and research institutions has a significant role to play in promoting relations among the RIC countries. This would bring institutions and individuals together for joint research and many other forms of collaboration in targeted areas. Although the number of research collaborations among the RIC countries has increased in recent years there are still many political and institutional barriers that hinder collaborative research. This presentation will look into the changing landscape of research in the context of Russia, India and China and proposes an official program to encourage constructive academic contacts between individuals and institutions.
About the Speaker
Eldho Mathews is a Consultant at the Ministry of Human Resource Development’s RUSA Resource Centre (RRC) at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). He completed his MPhil from CEAS, JNU with a dissertation on “Functional Relationship between Higher Education, Economy and Social Change in Post-Mao China”. Prior to joining the RRC, he was with the HRD Division of the Planning Commission as a Consultant. He was earlier a Research Officer at the Kerala State Higher Education Council. He has recently published a paper in EPW titled “Engaging the Corporate Sector: Narayana Murthy Committee Recommendations on Higher Education”
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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