Events > Wednesday Seminars
Abstract Taking cue from a recent talk at the Institute on Chinese tianxia and Indian response, the speakers will share their experience of conducting interviews of fifteen scholars (most of them belonging to Central Asian Studies) from eight universities and academic institutions in Shanghai, Beijing, Lanzhou and Urumqi. This is part of a bigger project on Shanghai Cooperation Organization, genesis of which is inseparable from Chinese pursuit for peace, stability and prosperity along the hubs of ancient Silk Road. The presentation will also touch upon the overall academic exercise and quest of building greater understanding about China in the Institute of Chinese Studies. |
About the Speakers Dr. Aravind Yelery and Dr. Debasish Chaudhuri both are Associate Fellows of the Institute of Chinese Studies. |
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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