Events > Wednesday Seminars
Abstract The presentation focuses on an appraisal of threats to China, both internal and external, the modernization trends of the PLAA, PLAAF, PLAN and Second Artillery Force and on the appreciated force structure in 2025. The trends of PLA modernization are guided by two primary drivers: availability of funds (defence budgets) and the control of the Party over PLA. It is these two drivers which will guide the trends of modernization of the Chinese military. However, both these drivers have a certain degree of impact and uncertainty, which will have to be constantly monitored and studied. |
About the Speaker Col Nagender S P Bisht is a serving Infantry officer for 24 years. He has served on the LC with Pakistan, LAC with China and participated in OP VIJAY in Kargil and in active counter-insurgency operations in South Kashmir. At present he is a senior research fellow with the United Service Institution of India. He is now engaged in research on PLA Modernization. |
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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