Events > Wednesday Seminars
The recent Government of India decision to effectively abrogate Article 370 of the Constitution has significant ramifications for India-China relations. In this talk, I map China’s two different yet linked interests in this issue. First, due to China’s claims over Aksai Chin, as well as the Sino-Pakistan Frontier Agreement, Beijing may resist New Delhi’s effort to exert direct control over Ladakh. Second, should India adopt a more proactive policy when it comes to Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (especially Gilgit-Baltistan) as part of its incipient Kashmir policy, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and the consequent Gwadar-Kashgar link, will be perceived in Beijing to be at risk. In the first half of the talk, I will describe these issues. In the second half of the talk, I will outline possible strategies China may adopt to deal with these perceived risks and outline Indian policy options to meet them.
About the Speaker
Abhijnan Rej is a researcher, analyst, and consultant. His professional interests lie in Asian security, and Indian foreign and defence policies. Rej has published in The Washington Quarterly, the US Army War College’s online journal War Room, War on the Rocks, the Lowy Institute’s Interpreter, The Diplomat Magazine, National Interest (online), Global Policy (online), Wired (online), Journal of Physics: A, and Contemporary Mathematics, along with numerous occasional papers, policy briefs, and book chapters. He is a fortnightly columnist for The Diplomat and a monthly columnist for the Africa Portal. Rej has also written for virtually all major Indian English-language media outlets, including Open, Firstpost, Times of India, Hindustan Times, and Hindu. He (or his writings) have been quoted by the Economist, Reuters, Voice of America, CNBC, The Nation, The Australian, China Global Television Network, and Dawn, among others. He was previously Senior Fellow, Strategic Studies Programme, at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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