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The importance of environment for the economic and social development of China has continued to gain more importance. Since the economic reforms began in 1978, China has witnessed a rapid economic development. It has become the manufacturing hub of the world and therefore also the largest energy consumer and carbon dioxide emitter. In order to achieve an overwhelmingly positive economic growth with an average annual growth rate of 10 percent from 1989 till 2015, China has followed the path of rapid industrialisation thus compromising on its environmental sector which has caused serious environmental problems. Environmental Governance has been given the utmost importance by the government at all levels. Due to continuous governance measures, China has been able to avoid further deterioration in its environmental standards at several levels. Several bodies play a role in China’s environmental pollution governance like the Central government, the local governments and also the industrial firms. This research examines how the local governments along with the industrial firms have taken charge of the environmental pollution governance in China formulating valid pollution governance measures and progressed with the industrial development simultaneously.
About the Speaker
Saheli Chattaraj is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for China Studies at the Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Her basic training has been in Chinese Language and Literature and is a fluent speaker of Mandarin. She holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Chinese Language, Literature and Cultural Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University. She holds an M.Phil Degree in Chinese Studies from the School of International Studies, JNU. Her research interest includes contemporary India-China relations, politics and state and society relations in China. She had been awarded a fellowship by the Ministry of Human Resource Development under the China-India Cultural Exchange program 2010-2011 to undertake advanced studies in Chinese. She has also been awarded the Taiwan Fellowship by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan to conduct research on India and Taiwan. She was affiliated with the National Chung Hsing University. She has also been associated with the India-China bilateral project of the Encyclopedia of India-China Cultural Contacts, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. On several academic assignments she has travelled to China, Taiwan and Hong-Kong. Her recent publications include BRICS and the new Global Order (Third Concept, ISSN 0970-7247, January, 2013); Chattaraj, Saheli (2017), “The One Belt One Road as a Chinese Vision of Regional Economic Order”, in M.S. Prathibha ed., China’s Rising Strategic Ambitions in Asia, New Delhi: Pentagon Press (Upcoming); Chattaraj, Saheli (2017), “New Southbound Policy in India and South Asia”, Prospect Journal, Prospect Foundation, Taiwan (Upcoming, October, 2017).
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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