Events > Wednesday Seminars
To symbolize the traditional cultural ties between India and China, the Governments of India and China agreed to jointly construct an Indian-style Buddhist Temple in the International Garden adjacent to the White Horse Temple in Luoyang (one of China’s ancient capital) in Henan province in central China. This White Horse Temple, or Bai Ma Si, was the first Buddhist temple and is considered as fountainhead of Buddhism in China. The design for the Indian-style Buddhist Temple was selected by the Ministry of External Affairs in an architectural design competition amongst six reputed architectural firms from different parts of the country. The parameters laid down by the Client during competition stipulated that the design shall draw inspiration from the Sanchi Stupa and an Idol shall be installed in the Temple hall based on the Buddha Idol at Sarnath. The location of the Temple in a historical city and the political significance of the project inspired the Architect to create a building that imparts a distinct identity amidst other structures in Chinese architectural style. The Stupa-shaped Temple has been designed as emerging from a pool of water, with pradakshina path all around. The project, upon successful completion, was inaugurated by the Honourable President of India in 2010. The speaker will take us through this unique project primarily through photographs and also share some of his experiences during execution.
About the Speaker
Mr. Kshitij Jain, is an architect, who graduated from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. With professional experience of 16 years, he has handled various projects for the public & private sectors, which include embassy, institutional, office & commercial, residential, religious, public and community buildings. Some of the prestigious projects for which he is Architectural Consultant are Indian Embassy Complex in Kathmandu, Torana Gate at Kuala Lumpur, Embassy of Brazil in New Delhi, research & residential buildings at IIT Kanpur, etc. He is Fellow of the Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) and International Associate of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and an Indian Green Building Council Accredited Professional (IGBC-AP).
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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