Events > Wednesday Seminars
The India-Japan relationship has in recent times been described in hyperbolic terms by the leaders of both countries as one with the 'greatest potential' globally. This rapid deepening of ties since the turn of the century has been based on growing recognition of convergences in the political, economic, security and strategic fields. Relations have progressed to a Special Strategic and Global Partnership with institutionalized annual Prime Ministerial summits at the apex, and a complex architecture of multilayered engagement covering an increasing swathe of areas, reflecting the widening congruence of interests.
Convergences in the bilateral context are based on shared values as the preeminent functioning democracies of Asia, wide bi- partisan political support in both countries, and self evident economic complementarities. The steady progress of the relationship has permitted cooperation in hitherto difficult areas such as nuclear energy, counter-terrorism and defense procurement. In addition, as spelled out in the latest India-Japan Joint Statement issued after PM Abe’s visit to Gujarat in September 2017 for the annual summit, there is an 'emerging consensus on contemporary issues of peace security and development', and new common regional and global challenges, where it is believed that there is much to be gained by working together to further common strategic objectives. This has been manifest in cooperation in the area of maritime security, the invitation to Japan to join the India-US Malabar naval exercises and initiatives to jointly improve connectivity and economic development in the wider Indo- Pacific region stretching till Africa.
About the Speaker
Amb. Deepa Wadhwa joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1979 and retired in December 2015. She served as Ambassador of India to: Japan (2012-2015); Qatar (2009-2012); Sweden (2005-2009). She was concurrently accredited as Ambassador to Latvia from Stockholm, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands from Tokyo. Other significant assignments abroad have been: Geneva (1989-1992); Hong Kong and China (1981-1987) (1992-1994); and the Netherlands (1994-1998). In the course of a career spanning over 36 years, Amb. Wadhwa handled a wide swathe of issues and subjects related to India’s diplomatic practice and strategic policies, vis-à-vis, key countries such as Pakistan, China and Japan; participated in international conferences and negotiations related to climate change, sustainable development, disarmament and human rights. She was instrumental in the active promotion of Indian economic interests in the areas of trade, technology, investments and energy security during postings in Europe, the Gulf Cooperation Council and Japan.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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