Applications are invited from Indian citizens for a multi-year doctoral fellowship in China Studies sponsored jointly by the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi (ICS) and the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts (HYI). The Fellowship encompasses substantial support for developing Chinese language skills and pursuing research in India, China and at Harvard.
The applicants must be registered in a PhD programme in an Indian university or in the process of applying to a PhD programme in the social sciences or humanities including anthropology, archaeology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, international relations, language and literature, legal history, philosophy, political sciences, religion, and sociology with a specific China focus in their studies.
The Fellowship is subject to the following conditions:
The selected candidates will have to sign a bond undertaking to spend the two years following submission of the PhD, in a teaching or research position in India that is of relevance to the development of China Studies.
The applicant will submit the following documents by e-mail to
For further enquiries, please contact | Website:
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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