Events > Special Lectures/Conferences
The event will mark the launch of a new initiative, ICS Conversations in collaboration with the India International Centre. The conversation will focus on different aspects of China-US relations and their effect on Asia-Pacific security, the global economy, India's environment and Chinese behaviour. It will look at some of the significant issues in relation to North Korean nuclear weapons, the South China Sea, climate change and so on. These are among the determinants of relationships of our age and our continent. The conversation will explore impact ofdevelopments in China-US relations, particularly on India.
About the speakers:
Ambassador Shivshankar Menon is an eminent Indian diplomat, who served as National Security Advisor and Foreign Secretary. Prior to that, he was Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan and Sri Lanka,and Ambassador to China and Israel. He has recently authored a book named Choices: Inside the Making of Indian Foreign Policy.
Professor Alka Acharya is on the faculty of the Centre for East Asian Studies (Chinese Studies), School of International Studies, JNUand Honorary Fellow, ICS. She was the Director and a Senior Fellow (2012-2017) of the Institute of Chinese studies, Delhi. She was a member of the National Security Advisory Board of the Government of India for two terms (2006-2008) and (2011-2012).
Dr. Navroz K Dubash is a Senior Fellow at Centre for Policy Research, Delhi and coordinator of the Initiative on Climate, Energyand Environment. His research and policy interests include climate change policy and governance, the political economy of energy andwater, the regulatory state in the developing world and the role of civil society in global environmental governance.
Dr. Zorawar Daulet Singh is an Adjunct Fellow with the Institute of Chinese Studies, Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, Delhi, anda Visiting Fellow at the Forum for Strategic Initiative. He is an authorand foreign affairs analyst. Zorawar’s research interests include India’s foreign policy, various dimensions of India China relations, Eurasian geopolitics, and, international political economy.
Mr. Zakka Jacob is a TV News personality with more than 15 years of broadcasting experience. Over the last two and a half years, Zakka has become the 9 PM face of CNN News 18's flagship show, India@9. He is a Deputy Executive Editor there and covers Foreign Policy. Zakka was in Beijing for three years with the China Central Television CCTV. He became the first and only South Asian face on Chinese national TV. In his time there, Zakka was awarded Best Foreign Employee by CCTV for two years running.
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